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Series Pt. 2

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Bio-Piracy Series

Pt. 2 of 2

first broadcaston
Friday February 4
on Rogers Television
working TV # 167, RT: 27:30 each

Part 2 of a 2 part series on Bio-Piracy with information on its two central components:
1. Genetically Modified Organisms(GMOs) - which most of us have heard about in terms of Genetically Engineered (GE) food, also called "Frankenfood".
2.Patenting of Life Forms is the most insidious aspect of Bio-Piracy. Currently multi-national corporations including Monsanto and Dow Chemical are patenting life forms all over the earth, including plants like Basamati rice which people have grown and eaten for thousands of years.

"The Rice Girls", a popular theatre group from the Basamati Action Group, with a skit on the patenting of Basamati Rice by Texas-based Rice-Tech.

Nandidta Sharma (continued from last week) from the Basamati Action Group, taped October 6 1999 at the Vancouver Public Library, part of the "Environment Now" lecture series, sponsored by SPEC (Society for Prevention of Environmental Conservation).

EXTRO:click here or on pic for streaming video.

working TV #167, RT: 27:30
February 04 2000

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